Friday 6 March 2015

Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?

Today's Welsh SSC Synod was saved from (an understandable) introspection and temptation to despair at our current predicament by an inspiring address at Mass by Bishop Lindsay Urwin, our Episcopal Visitor.

But a question does arise in relation to the plight of the orthodox 'original integrity'   in Anglican provinces such as Wales, where alternative episcopal oversight has been repeatedly denied and solemn promises and pious assurances have been repeatedly broken. At what point does it become a matter of necessary self-preservation for those in other, larger, nearby provinces to come to the assistance - in whatever way possible - of those so shamefully treated? 
Of course, for Catholics remaining in the Church of England, Wales, despite its proximity,  is a very small side-show indeed (why try to reverse the last 800 years of history?) Moreover, the Church of England, and the catholic integrity with in it, is also living through a period of great uncertainty and political sensitivity, where the future of the Catholic Movement is at least partly dependent upon the goodwill of its opponents. 'Don't rock the boat' may well be a very sensible temporary stratagem, and cross-provincial disputes with irate and over-sensitive Celtic prelates may prove disastrously counter-productive the way things are at present.
We are very grateful indeed for the prayers and encouragement of so many of our brethren across the border and for the hospitality and understanding we have received there.

But at some point the realisation may dawn that if a significant tradition within historic Anglicanism can be so ruthlessly bulldozed out of existence in the Province of Wales by the ruling liberal caliphate - no that's unfair, let's go with 'self-perpetuating oligarchy with one-party state tendencies and a disdainful aversion to differing or critical voices' (rather like its counterpart across the Pond, it's more a kind of crazily liberal* ecclesiastical version of 'Putinism' than anything approaching ISIL,)  a similar fate may sooner or later await the heirs of the Oxford Movement in the Provinces of Canterbury and York.
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out...."

* One is tempted to suggest that, like the previous great 'consultation' in the province, conclusions have been drawn and decisions made long before any meetings have been held.

Blogging has been difficult of late. Losing all three of our surviving parents in a period of six months has meant priorities have inevitably lain elsewhere.
'Back on the horse,' though, as they say ...

1 comment:

  1. We live in a strange world, Father, where in the name of tolerance and diversity only unblinking acceptance of the new orthodoxy is tolerated.


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